PSC Resolution Opposes NYS Senate Bill S.6438 AND NYS Assembly Bill A.8392
The PSC joins the American Association of University
Professors, NYSUT, the City University Faculty Senate Executive Committee, the New
York State AAUP Conference and the New York University AAUP chapter in opposing
New York Assembly Bill A.8392. The PSC
also opposes a nearly identical New York Senate Bill, S.6438, passed by the New
York Senate on January 28, 2014.
The two bills would prohibit colleges and universities in
New York State from using State funding to support employees’ participation in academic
groups or associations that have passed resolutions or taken official actions
to promote boycotts against certain countries or their higher education institutions. The proposed legislation would also prohibit
colleges and universities in New York State from using State funding to pay
membership dues to those associations or to reimburse travel or lodging for an
employee attending any meeting of such association. Colleges or universities that act in
violation of the prohibition would not be eligible for any State funding for
that academic year.
In announcing the proposed Assembly legislation, Speaker
Sheldon Silver cited the recent resolution passed by the American Studies
Association endorsing a boycott of Israeli academic institutions and supporting
the protected rights of scholars and students everywhere to engage in research
and public speaking about Israel-Palestine. The proposed legislation, if enacted,
would mean that if any CUNY college paid for travel for a faculty member to
present an academic paper on, for instance, labor history at a regional meeting
of the American Studies Association, CUNY would lose its entire New York State
funding for that year. Had such
legislation been in place in 1980, any New York college or university funding
an employee to attend any academic entity sponsored by the United Nations would
have lost its eligibility for State funding—because the U.N. had enacted a
boycott of “all cultural, academic,
sports, and other exchanges” with South Africa.
PSC members hold a variety of positions on the
Israel/Palestine conflict, and hold such positions deeply. PSC members also hold a range of positions on
the efficacy and legitimacy of academic boycotts as a strategy. We stand together, however, in opposing
legislation that would subject New York State funding for colleges and
universities to this political litmus test.
Such legislation is dangerous to all members of the academic community,
whatever our political positions.
Academic freedom is meaningless if it does not protect those
who hold unpopular positions, including those who advocate academic
boycotts. In its statement on the
proposed New York State Assembly bill, the AAUP writes that such legislation,
if enacted, “could impose greater restrictions on the academic freedom of
faculty members in New York than are threatened by the ASA boycott
resolution.” The bills purport to oppose
collective punishment of countries or their academic institutions, yet they
would impose a collective punishment—denial of State funding for a college’s
students, faculty and staff—when neither collective nor individual punishment
is warranted. Universities may limit
funding for scholarly travel and participation in professional organizations,
but such funding decisions should be made by representative faculty bodies
based on professional standards, and not on political criteria dictated by
elected officials.
The PSC will work with its membership and all of its
affiliates to oppose S.6438 and A.8392. We call on all adherents of academic
freedom to join us.
Passed unanimously by
the PSC Delegate Assembly, January 30, 2014
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