
Showing posts from February, 2018

National Workers Day of Action

The PSC was out in full force at the February 24, 2018, National Workers Day of Action demonstration of solidarity at Foley Square, downtown Manhattan.

Adjunct $7K/course resolution to go to NYSUT in April

The PSC Executive Council approved the following resolution, to be voted on at the April 2018 annual Representative Assembly of the New York State United Teachers: NYSUT Members Support PSC’s $7K Campaign And All NYSUT Locals’ Campaigns for Fair Adjunct Pay Whereas, teachers’ unions were formed in order to demand and win professional pay and treatment for work that had previously been undervalued and viewed as non-professional; and Whereas, as teachers’ unions have multiplied and grown, they have expanded their work, winning better pay and treatment for other educational workers, for paraprofessionals and for others in service of the public good; and Whereas, in higher education, however, the past 40 years have seen a slow but devastating hollowing out of the profession, as public funding has been systematically reduced and universities and colleges have responded not by challenging the premise of austerity but by accommodating to scarcity: they have cut costs by...