New Deal for CUNY: Media Coverage & Actions You Can Take

Gotham Gazette 2/5/21

NY Daily News 2/4/21

NY Daily News, "Invest in CUNY, Get Big Returns" 3/8/21

City Limits 3/11/21

Nine Things You Can Do to Advance the New Deal for CUNY

The PSC and CUNY Rising Alliance are asking members of the NY state legislature to cosponsor the legislation and - more importantly at the moment - to advocate for an additional $273.6 million more than what the Governor allocated to CUNY in his Executive Budget.

Here’s the bill in the Assembly    Here’s the bill in the Senate 

What can you do to support his campaign?

1. Click here to send an email to your NYS state legislator – you’re encouraged to personalize it, adding on what a ND4C and more funding right now would mean for us:

2. Craft your own personalized letter and mail it! 

3. Sign up to pressure your reps! These meetings and actions have started!

4. Come to a CUNY Rising Alliance march on Saturday March 6th at 1pm, we’ll be starting at Barclay’s Center and ending at City Tech!

5. Come to the ND4C organizing mtgs every other Monday 2:30 to 4pm until the April 1st budget deadline (that’s just March 15, & 29). Invite others! If interested, email us at

6. If you’re up for hustling (sending text messages) to get other members to take action, let us know! email us at

7. Post on social media about a New Deal for CUNY. Tag your reps. Ask them to cosponsor the bill, support an additional 273.6 million than what’s currently in the Executive Budget. Use hashtags #NewDealforCUNY and #CUNY; you might use #InvestinourNewYork if want to support the campaing for increased revenue. You can retweet from @CUNYRising. Want to look up your represenatatives? Want to learn more about the revenue campaign?

8Reach out to alum, former and current students and share the links above re emailing and signing up to meet w/ their reps. Ask them to help us make ND4C visible on social media! An external petition for alum and former students is coming soon.

9. CUNY Rising postcard parties Wed March 3 6-7pm and 9-10pm: BYO beverage, blank postcards, postage, and art supplies then log onto zoom, and urge NYS reps to support a ND4C. We’ll help w/ suggested language and assist you in looking up the addresses. Email for info and link to join. Facebook invite:

10. Share all of this with others. Everybody you know could be a #CUNYally


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