PSC Delegate Assembly DA 9/23/21 - proposed resolutions

Please note these are proposed but not yet passed and can be amended.

Resolution to honor the life and legacy of Graciano Matos (October 18, 1948 – June 13, 2021)

--Submitted by the PSC Anti-Bullying Committee

Reauthorization for the Task Force on the NY Health Act
--Submitted by the Social Safety Net Committee


Resolution to honor the life and legacy of Graciano Matos (October 18, 1948 – June 13, 2021) 

(Submitted by the PSC Anti-Bullying Committee)


Whereas, Graciano was a beloved member of his immediate and extended family, including his wife Carmen Vásquez (who was also a PSC member in the HEO series at one time) and two sons, and a mentor who taught and lived his principled beliefs throughout his life, including the culture of his beloved Puerto Rico; and


Whereas, Graciano Matos earned his Master’s degree from Hunter College’s Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences program and since 2001 served as Laboratory Hygiene Officer at City College; and


Whereas, Graciano Matos was an active member of the Professional Staff Congress and CUNY communities who worked tirelessly to improve working conditions for all CUNY employees, pursuing an equitable and just workplace; and 


Whereas, at City College and in the PSC, Graciano served on many union and CUNY committees and was also a PSC delegate in the Higher Education Officer cross-campus chapter since 2010; and


Whereas, Graciano Matos was directly and tirelessly involved for decades with the liberation movement of Puerto Rican political prisoners and the independence movement, fighting for liberation and struggling against oppression; and


Whereas, Graciano served passionately and proudly on anti-bullying initiatives that he both led and participated in; and was a resolute and fierce anti-bullying advocate, who never hesitated to advocate against bullying at the PSC Delegate Assembly; and


Whereas, Graciano was committed to fighting for changes in anti-bullying policy, grievance procedures, and contract language to ensure that PSC members would feel supported and fairly represented with empathy and certitude; therefore be it 


Resolved, that the PSC will henceforth celebrate Freedom from Workplace Bullies Week; and be it further


Resolved, that the PSC will celebrate Freedom from Workplace Bullies Week 2021 in honor of Graciano Matos.


 Reauthorization for the Task Force on the NY Health Act


Whereas the PSC DA authorized the Social Safety Net Committee to establish, as a DA Special Committee, a Task Force on the NY Health Act (DA Minutes, May 21, 2020, IIIE), and


Whereas the crisis in healthcare insurance coverage is ongoing and efforts to address it through privatization and givebacks continue unabated, and


Whereas the recent agreement between NYC and the Municipal Labor Committee to move all municipal retirees from Medicare/Senior Care to Medicare Advantage is only the most recent example of same, and


Whereas the PSC is actively engaged in educating its members about these ominous developments and building resistance, and


Whereas the PSC Constitution requires DA Special Committees to be reauthorized annually, therefore


Be it resolved that the DA approves such reauthorization for the 2021-22 year.


Submitted by the PSC Social Safety Net Committee




  1. Both resolutions passed by a large majority at the DA meeting on 9/23/21.


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