Update/Action Alert on Anti-Boycott Legislation in NY State Assembly
Action Alert - 2/25/14 Update on Anti-Boycott Legislation in NY State Assembly We Need to Continue to Make Our Voices Heard! On February 3, NY State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was forced to withdraw a draconian bill that would have undermined academic freedom and free speech. His bill was designed to punish any state-funded college or university in NY that had used any of that money on activities related to groups that support boycotts of Israel. But enough pressure was put on Speaker Silver to force his withdrawal of that bill. This was a tremendous victory and a testament to the power of unified action! But - and this is critically important - our work to defeat this legislation is not over. Speaker Silver quickly issued a revised version of his bill, titled A. 8392A. There is one difference between this and the earlier version: Previously a college could have lost its entire state funding for a year if they had used any of their state funding...