
Showing posts from 2021

What is the Role of Unions? How does the PSC work? Union Week Session 1 November 3

Resources From Session One   Sign Up for Your Campus Action Team Our Union Website RANK AND FILE ACTION (RAFA) is a group of militant rank & file activists at CUNY challenging the culture of austerity in higher education and demanding a more democratic fighting union. Strike Authorization Vote FAQ (Rafa): PSC-CUNY Structure, Who to Contact, & How to Get Involved [Google Slides]   A Glossary of the PSC Register for Upcoming Union Week Sessions and Speakers! Social Justice Unionism [Session Two] When: November 5- 12:15-1:15 Speakers: Alexandra Juhasz- Film, Jesús Pérez-ISSO, Lindsey Eckenroth- Music, Lawrence Johnson- Sociology Register: What’s Next? Contract and Budget [Session Three] When: November 9- 12:15-1:15 Speakers: Amy Jeu-CLT Chapter Chair, Anthony Harb- Anthrop...

PSC Delegate Assembly 10/21/21 - notes

NOTE: The agenda is in purple, action items in red and highlighted in yellow , and notes in black text. DISCLAIMER: These are informal notes and while we try to be accurate, there may be errors and there will be omissions. Please see the "Delegate Assembly: Resolutions and Notes" page on this blog for  details on how these items will be shared on the blog and how to access the approved minutes of any DA. PSC Delegate Assembly, October 21, 2021 6:30-9:00 Draft agenda I Approvals  Agenda and Minutes for September 23, 2021 meeting Approved with minor amendments II President’s report and discussion (including written) CUNY Budget Request/New Deal for CUNY/October 25, Strategic Action Plan Issues with Spring Return Shout out to the work being done by the anti-bullying committee and the events they put  on for Freedom from Bullying week; and to the health and safety committee and the work  they’ve done CUNY Budget request looking pretty good! Include $416 million dol...

Tell the Board of Trustees to #FundCUNY!! October 25 rally at BoT hearing (In-Person and Hybrid)

  MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 4:30 PM Baruch Vertical Campus @ 55 Lexington Ave. (25th St.) & On Zoom Register here: " The PSC’s 18-month Strategic Action Plan to change the course of CUNY and win a great contract shifts gears Monday, 10/25 with a mass online and in-person rally calling on the Board of Trustees to approve the University Budget Request and the Governor and Mayor to put us on the path toward a New Deal for CUNY. "With a new governor in office, a new mayor in the wings, and rising support for the investments the PSC and the CUNY Rising Alliance have urged, the CUNY administration has finally requested a budget worthy of our mission, and it doesn’t hike tuition. An additional $416 million (NYS: $313M | NYC: $103M) is in the ambitious request, with funding for New Deal for CUNY priorities, including 1,075 new full-time faculty lines, opportunities for full-time conversion appointments for adjuncts, and additional full-t...

Proposed revision of PSC procedures for EC and DA resolutions - to be discussed 10/21 DA

  NOTE: The first document is the proposal from the executive council written as a resolution. The second document is the full set of changes proposed in the procedure for resolutions. These changes will be discussed at the Delegate Assembly on October 21. —————— Revision of PSC Procedures for EC and DA Resolutions Proposal from  the  Executive Council   Whereas ,  the PSC   P rocedures for EC and DA Resolutions  (adopted February 2017) are “designed to ensure a transparent and democratic process” ;   Whereas ,  the Delegate Assembly is “the principal governing body of the Professional Staff Congress , ”  per the  PSC Constitution ,  and  the PSC Procedures for EC and DA Resolutions state  that “the resolutions adopted by the DA become union policy,” and that “for that reason, delegates are asked to make every effort to develop resolutions through broad-based discussion among members, using the democratic forums of th...