
Showing posts from September, 2021

PSC Delegate Assembly DA 9/23/21 - proposed resolutions

Please note these are proposed but not yet passed and can be amended. Resolution to honor the life and legacy of Graciano Matos (October 18, 1948 – June 13, 2021) --Submitted by the PSC Anti-Bullying Committee Reauthorization for the Task Force on the NY Health Act --Submitted by the Social Safety Net Committee ———————————————————————— Resolution to honor the life and legacy of  Graciano Matos (October 18, 1948 – June 13, 2021)  (Submitted by  the  PSC  Anti-Bullying Committee)   Whereas,  Graciano was a beloved member of his immediate and extended family, including his wife Carmen Vásquez  (who was also a PSC member in the HEO series at one time)  and two sons, and a mentor who taught and lived his principled beliefs throughout his life, including  the culture of his beloved Puerto Rico; and   Whereas,  Graciano Matos earned his Master’s degree from Hunter College’s Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences program and si...

PSC Delegate Assembly 9/10/20 - notes

These are notes from last year. Please see the “Delegate Assembly: Resolutions and Notes” page for more on how DA resolutions and notes will be shared on this blog. PSC Delegate Assembly September 10, 2020 Agenda This is to inform you that the PSC Delegate Assembly will hold an online meeting on Thursday, 9/10/2020 at 6:30p.m.   Draft Agenda   I.               Approvals                                                                            6:30-6.45 ·       Agenda ·       Minutes   II.             President’s Report and Discussion                                      6:45-7.45   ·...