Chapter Meeting Agenda Sept 14, 2017

Contract campaign: survey results, contract process, and campaign

Recommitment campaign: Janus v AFSCME 

·         New blue card or PSC website:

·         Sign up for training at BC in 1-1 organizing: Mon Sept 18 or Tue Sept 26 

·         Analysis:
Penny Lewis (PSC), “Trump’s Assault on Labor,” The Clarion
Risa Lieberwitz (AAUP), “Legal Watch: Friederichs Redux,” Academe

Looking ahead…

·         Maintenance of Effort campaign: Coordinated with SUNY and a coalition of public higher ed supporters:

·         Campus Equity Week, late October: BC adjunct organizing “blitz” on Halloween day

·         NY State Constitutional Convention? Vote “No” on November 7

·         Next chapter meetings:
Tue Oct 31, Ingersoll Extension (IA) 329
Wed Nov 29, Library 411


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