Resources for $7K Conversations

The PSC has been organizing contingent and tenure-track faculty and professional staff around a contractual demand for $7,000 minimum per 3-credit course.  You can participate by using the resources below.

"Press the Presidents" petition to Michelle Anderson

Share your story / tell us why you support this demand

PSC Fact Sheet on 7K

CUNY Changes Lives

Some important stats:
    * In 1975, CUNY had 250,000 students and 11,500 full-time faculty. Now it has 274,000 students but only 7,500 full-time faculty.
    * NYS funding per student at CUNY senior colleges has been cut by 18 percent since 2008.
    * There are now over 12,000 adjunct faculty in the CUNY system, up from 7,000 in the year 2000. That’s a 71% increase.
    * Adjunct faculty now teach 53% of CUNY courses, and as much as 65% at campuses like Hunter and John Jay.
    * The average annual salary for a CUNY adjunct lecturer teaching 8 courses is just $28,000 per year - far below an adequate standard of living in NYC.
    * Starting pay for a CUNY adjunct is now a mere $3,222 per course - far less than adjunct faculty compensation at Barnard, Fordham, New School, NYU, Yeshiva, and neighboring public university systems, such as Rutgers and UConn.


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