Proposed revision of PSC procedures for EC and DA resolutions - to be discussed 10/21 DA

 NOTE: The first document is the proposal from the executive council written as a resolution. The second document is the full set of changes proposed in the procedure for resolutions. These changes will be discussed at the Delegate Assembly on October 21.


Revision of PSC Procedures for EC and DA Resolutions

Proposal from the Executive Council


Whereas, the PSC Procedures for EC and DA Resolutions (adopted February 2017) are “designed to ensure a transparent and democratic process”;


Whereas, the Delegate Assembly is “the principal governing body of the Professional Staff Congress,” per the PSC Constitution, and the PSC Procedures for EC and DA Resolutions state that “the resolutions adopted by the DA become union policy,” and that “for that reason, delegates are asked to make every effort to develop resolutions through broad-based discussion among members, using the democratic forums of the union, such as chapter meetings or union committees”;


Whereas, members and delegates have raised questions about the Delegate Assembly taking up and passing, at a summer meeting, a resolution on contentious political issues without prior discussion among the membership;


Whereas, members and delegates have raised questions concerning the relationship between traditional union issues, such as wages and benefits, and issues of broader political import, and of the circumstances in which the PSC takes formal policy positions on the latter;


Whereas, the Delegate Assembly acknowledges the broad range of opinions held by members and appreciates our responsibility to communicate with those we were elected to represent in order to incorporate their views when voting;


Whereas, efforts to creatunion policy should promote dialogue among delegates and members and provide sufficient time to research and review resolutions presented at the delegate assembly;


Whereas, the Procedures for EC and DA resolutions should allow and encourage delegates to fulfill their role of consulting with the members they representtherefore be it


Resolved, that unless it is deemed urgent by the Delegate Assembly, a resolution introduced at a DA meeting will be debated and voted on no earlier than the next regular DA meeting, allowing delegates the opportunity to review and confer with members in advance of voting. Urgency shall be determined by a two-thirds majority vote of the delegates voting; and be it further 


Resolved, that the PSC adopts this new procedure forresolutions (version 2021) with the following additionalchanges (lines 36-53)


Proposed resolutions should will be considered if they meet the first and second conditions below, and also satisfy at least one of the remaining conditions: 

1) A resolution with the same intent has not been passed by PSC, NYSUT, AAUP or AFT. 

2) The resolution will serve to begin organizing, educating, or activating members around the issues it raisesbe the starting point for mobilizing members on the raised issue(s) in the immediate future. The resolution should include a plan for such activity and mobilization while takeing into account current union priorities and resources. 

3) The resolution will have a clear beneficialimpact, even if we don't mobilize around it, on organizations or individuals with whom the PSC has an established relationship or demonstrable affinity, for instance, a resolution in support of a strike action or one for raising money for a cause.  

4) The issue addressed in the resolution has a direct bearing on the welfare of our members, for instance, a labor issue, a NYC issue or a higher education issue. 

5) Proposed resolutions should must be fact-checked, copyedited and referenced before being submitted. 

and be it further,


Resolved, that this revision to the Procedures for EC and DA Resolutions signals a collective rededication among Delegates to our commitment to strengthen our union through internal and external organizing as we engage all members of the bargaining unit.




These procedures, effective upon approval, are designed to ensure a transparent and democratic process for submitting resolutions to the Executive Council and Delegate Assembly. 


Submitting Resolutions: Responsibilities and Deadlines 


• The Delegate Assembly is “the principal governing body of the Professional Staff Congress” (PSC Constitution).  The resolutions adopted by the DA become union policy.  For that reason, delegates are asked to make every effort to develop resolutions through broad-based discussion among members, using the democratic forums of the union, such as chapter meetings or union committees.


• As in the past, only delegates or alternate delegates may submit resolutions to the Delegate AssemblyResolutions may be submitted on behalf of a chapter, a DA or EC committee, or an individual delegate.


• Committees of the DA should normally submit resolutions to the DA, and committees of the EC should submit resolutions to the EC.  Especially complex resolutions are also best submitted to the EC before coming before the DA so they can receive the detailed discussion they require.  The DA may also vote to refer resolutions to the EC for further discussion.


• To ensure that a resolution qualifies to be on the agenda of introduced at the relevant meeting, it must be submitted electronically to the PSC Secretary and his/her theiradministrative assistant at at least 10 working days prior to the next scheduled DA or EC meeting.  


• If the resolution is received after this deadline, it will be considered for inclusion at the meeting after next unless there is an issue of timeliness.  If the resolution addresses a time sensitive issue, the sponsor should submit the resolution and call the PSC Secretary to request special consideration.


• Unless it is deemed urgent by the Delegate Assembly, a resolution introduced at a DA meeting will be debated and voted on no earlier than the next regular DA meeting, allowing delegates the opportunity to review and confer with members in advance of voting. Urgency shall be determined by a two-thirds majority vote of the delegates voting.


• If more than one resolution has been submitted for a DA or EC, resolution(s) that emerge from member-participatory processes, such as committee or chapter meetings, will be considered before those that originated with a single delegate.  


Proposed resolutions should will be considered if they meet the first and second conditions below, and also satisfy at least one and preferably most of the remaining conditions: 

1) A resolution with the same intent has not been passed by PSC, NYSUT, AAUP or AFT. 

2) The resolution will serve to begin organizing, educating, or activating members around the issues it raisesbe the starting point for mobilizing members on the raised issue(s) in the immediate future. The resolution should include a plan for such activity and mobilization while takeing into account current union priorities and resources. 

3) The resolution will have a clear beneficial impact, even if we don't mobilize around it, on organizations or individuals with whom the PSC has an established relationship or demonstrable affinityfor instance, a resolution in support of a strike action or one for raising money for a cause 

4) The issue addressed in the resolution has a direct bearing on the welfare of our members, for instance, a labor issue, a NYC issue or a higher education issue. 

5) Proposed resolutions should must be fact-checked, copyedited and referenced before being submitted. 




Responding to Resolutions: Responsibilities and Deadlines 


• Resolutions received by the PSC Secretary and administrative assistant will be acknowledged in writing, electronically, within 48 hours of receipt.  (If such acknowledgement is not received, the sponsor of the resolution should contact the PSC Secretary and her/his their administrative assistant.) 


• The principal officers will review the proposed resolution for impact on existing PSC policy, technical accuracy and implications for the bargaining unit as a whole.  A principal officer or staff member will contact the maker of the resolution in advance of the DA or EC if the officers wish to propose any changes or technical revisions. The maker of the resolution is, of course, free to accept or reject any proposed changes and to bring the original or revised resolution to the floor.


• Copies of the final proposed resolution will be distributed electronically to members of the DA and/or EC at least 48 hours prior to the next scheduled meeting.  Every effort will be made to distribute resolutions earlier. 


• If the maker of the resolution is not in attendance at the meeting where the resolution is considered, he or she will receive notification of the status of the resolution from the PSC Secretary and/or her administrative assistant no more than two working days after the meeting.


• Resolutions approved by the DA will be uploaded to the PSC website within 2 weeks of approval.


• Within 10 working days after the DA or EC, the PSC Secretary will transmit copies of approved resolutions to any organizations specified in the resolution, such as other unions, community groups or national affiliates, with a copy to the maker of the resolution.


• In the interest of serious consideration of proposed resolutions and to make sufficient time for other union business, the EC and the DA will normally consider no more than two resolutions at any meeting. Resolutions will be prioritized in the order in which they are received, and priority will continue to be accorded to time sensitive resolutions.


Each Resolution Must Include:


• Title
• “Resolved” statement
• “Whereas” statements, if desired 
• The name of the maker of the resolution
• Date of submission
• Brief statement of the process leading to the resolution’s approval (e.g., vote at chapter meeting, committee meeting, forum or ad hoc group, with number of participants; individual author).


Revised policy adopted on xx.





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