What is the Role of Unions? How does the PSC work? Union Week Session 1 November 3

Resources From Session One 

Sign Up for Your Campus Action Team

Our Union Website

RANK AND FILE ACTION (RAFA) is a group of militant rank & file activists at CUNY challenging the culture of austerity in higher education and demanding a more democratic fighting union.

Strike Authorization Vote FAQ (Rafa):

PSC-CUNY Structure, Who to Contact, & How to Get Involved [Google Slides]

A Glossary of the PSC

Register for Upcoming Union Week Sessions and Speakers!

Social Justice Unionism [Session Two]
When: November 5- 12:15-1:15
Speakers: Alexandra Juhasz- Film, Jesús Pérez-ISSO, Lindsey Eckenroth- Music,
Lawrence Johnson- Sociology
Register: https://tinyurl.com/bcpscsession2

What’s Next? Contract and Budget [Session Three]
When: November 9- 12:15-1:15
Speakers: Amy Jeu-CLT Chapter Chair, Anthony Harb- Anthropology, Jesús Pérez- ISSO
Register: https://tinyurl.com/bcpscsession3

Discussion of the Resolution in Support of the Palestinian People [Session Four]
When:November 12- 12:15-1:15
Speakers: Louis Fishman- History, Moustafa Bayoumi- English, Naomi Braine-Sociology,
Yehuda Klein- Economics
Register: https://tinyurl.com/bcpscsession4


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