Draft General Education Resolution

Below is draft language of a resolution to come before the Stated Meeting of the Faculty in April. We will be discussing this draft at our Chapter Meeting on March 18th in 222 Whitehead. Feel free to write comments below or email them to alvgc@yahoo.com.

Draft Resolution

Brooklyn College
Stated Meeting of the Faculty
April 2014

Whereas, Faculty Council is currently undertaking a process to develop new general education requirements at Brooklyn College, and

Whereas, Brooklyn College’s governance plan states that it is the faculty who determine the college’s curriculum and degree requirements, and

Whereas it is the faculty who are best positioned to assess the educational needs of students and determine the best ways of meeting those needs, and

Whereas we have no confidence in the CUNY Board of Trustees as currently constituted to make curricular decisions, and

Whereas Pathways has significantly undermined the educational standards at Brooklyn College, including the elimination of science labs, speech, and foreign language requirements.

Whereas the purpose of general education requirements is more than just ease of transfer and improvement of 6 year graduation rates. 

Be it therefore Resolved that the Brooklyn College Faculty call on the Brooklyn College administration to implement whatever general education requirements are adopted by the Faculty Council, and

Be it further resolved that the Brooklyn College Faculty call on the CUNY Chancellor and Board of Trustees to respect the historic role of the faculty in developing curriculum and approve all general education requirements adopted by the Brooklyn College Faculty Council. 


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