Rally to Condemn the Senate’s Bad News Budget Friday, March 21st

The State Senate’s one-house budget resolution is appalling:

  • it sells out public K-12 education in favor of charter schools and private schools;
  • it leaves CUNY woefully underfunded while reducing estate taxes for the wealthiest New Yorkers;
  • it includes a property tax freeze that would primarily benefit the rich; and
  • it says NO to the NYS DREAM Act, ignoring that undocumented students were brought to New York as children.
Don’t let the short list of proposed CUNY restorations in the Senate budget resolution make you think it’s a “good budget;” it’s not! And don’t let the news about the Senate’s support of funding of universal pre-K in NYC obscure the true priorities of the Senate Republicans and the Independent Democratic Caucus. The Senate’s budget plan—its starting position in negotiations with the governor and the Assembly—is bad for CUNY, bad for CUNY students and bad for most New Yorkers.
Educators across the State are standing up to denounce the Senate’s plan and calling for a more equitable final budget that invests in the people of New York, rejects the privatization of public education and makes corporations pay their share. The PSC is working with our partners at UFT to bring our demands to the doorstep of NYC’s most vulnerable Republican Senator, Senator Marty Golden of Brooklyn. This Friday at 3:30 PM members of both unions (and coalition partners) will rally across the street from Senator Golden’s office at 74th St and 5th Avenue in Brooklyn. Join us to show him the voters of NYC will not stand for the budget his house has put forward.

Click here to RSVP


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