Contingent Labor in a Time of Austerity: A Discussion with California Adjunct Organizer Jonathan Karpf and PSC Adjunct Leaders

This event is open to all who are interested in fighting to improve the conditions of the most vulnerable and exploited segment of the academic labor force. It will be hosted in at the Graduate Center, room 5414 on Thursday, September 22 at 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM.

What can we learn from other academic unions about transforming the conditions of contingent workers? Following the PSC's hard-fought struggle after six years to secure a contract, the question of our next steps looms large. In this time of austerity, when academic workers face an administration and government intent on making cuts to public education, it is especially important for workers across the country and beyond to share their knowledge and experiences of both victories and setbacks. 

Lecturer Jonathan Karpf of the California Faculty Association (CFA) will join graduate employee and adjunct activists from CUNY to discuss his experience organizing part-time, contingent labor and the CFA's efforts to win pay parity for adjuncts in their contract bargaining. The event is sponsored by these Professional Staff Congress/CUNY chapters: City College, College of Staten Island, Bronx Community College, LaGuardia Chapter PSCBrooklyn College PSCThe Graduate Center PSC; plus the CUNY Adjunct Project and the PSC First Friday Committee.


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