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City Limits: Goldstein to retain $300,000 Salary for 6 years

Retiring CUNY Head to Be Paid for Six More Years

According to minutes from the April 29 meeting of the CUNY board of trustees, outgoing Chancellor Matthew Goldstein, who will retire on June 30, will undertake a "study leave" for a year at his current salary of $490,000. Once that's done, he'll retire for five months, then return as "chancellor emeritus" for five years at a salary of $300,000 a year. "During his study leave, retirement leave and tenure as Chancellor Emeritus, Dr. Goldstein shall perform such teaching and other non-policymaking duties as shall be determined by the Board of Trustees," the minutes read.   According to the New York Post, Goldstein currently receives a $90,000 housing allowance in addition to his salary; the minutes do not say that that will continue.
Union members have noted that half of CUNY's courses are taught by adjuncts who make less than $20,000 annually.


  1. In addition to salary, housing allowance, and car, 36K/year was set aside for the Chancellor's retirement: Now that the retirement is salaried for 5 years, one has to suppose the $36K/year will accrue nonetheless. Should we be happy, however, since our Chancellor is only the 72nd most overcompensated public univ leader in the country?


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