Pathways Referendum Voting Procedures

Dear Full-Time Faculty Members:

Voting in the referendum on No Confidence in Pathways begins this Thursday (May 9). The union’s goal is to enable all full-time faculty to vote and to maintain absolute secrecy of the ballot. To ensure both ease and secrecy of voting, we have asked the American Arbitration Association (AAA) to run the referendum. Voters must follow the simple procedures the AAA has put in place.

Do not discard the ballot mailing from the AAA. The ballot mailing contains your unique Personal Identification Number (PIN), which you will need to vote by telephone or by using the internet. The PIN, issued randomly by AAA, ensures confidentiality. You will also be able to vote by mail by enclosing your marked ballot in the envelopes included in the mailing.

AAA will mail out the voting material on May 8th. If you have not received the envelope marked “Urgent!—Referendum: No Confidence in Pathways Ballot Enclosed—Please Forward“ by Monday May 13th, please call the PSC Office (212-354-1252) to confirm your mailing address and be sent a new ballot mailing. Please call promptly to allow time to re-mail the material.

Your vote must be received by AAA by 5 PM Friday May 31st.

You can vote by mail (using the ballot and envelopes you receive in the ballot mailing), by telephone or through the internet. To vote by phone or the internet, you must use your unique Personal Identification Number (PIN), which you will receive in the ballot mailing, along with the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. Instructions on how to vote by telephone or internet are included in the ballot mailing.

If you will not be at your home address after May 8th to receive the mailing, please contact the PSC and provide an alternate mailing address (or an email address if you are out of the country) so instructions and a PIN can be forwarded to you by AAA.

ALL full-time faculty are eligible to vote in this referendum, including those who are not union members (for whom the union may not have mailing addresses) and members who have moved without providing the union their new address. If you want to vote and have not received a ballot by May 13th, please contact the PSC Office. Inquiries may also be made to AAA, but response will be delayed because AAA must check with PSC about eligibility as a full-time faculty member.

NOTE: Please share this information with your colleagues because the union does not have email addresses for everyone.

Deborah Bell
PSC Executive Director


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