Delegate Assembly: Resolutions & Notes

According to the Constitution of the PSC-CUNY, the Delegate Assembly “shall be the principal governing body of the Professional Staff Congress” and its “powers and responsibilities” include the following: “To formulate and adopt policies and resolutions to govern the actions and positions of the union.” [See Article VIII(section 1) for the full description of the DA’s role]

We will post any proposed resolutions as soon as they are sent out as part of the draft agenda shared with delegates ahead of a DA meeting and will post notes from each meeting in a timely manner with emphasis on action items and the status of any proposed resolutions on the agenda.

These will be shared as blog posts and will be tagged with the following labels “delegate assembly resolutions” and “delegate assembly notes” so you can find them easily under “labels” on the home page of this blog.

Please do share questions, comments, and concerns with us in the comments section or you can email any of the delegates directly - see the “Who We Are” page for contact information. You can also proactively get in touch to request that we bring a certain issue to the DA. You should also know that while only delegates have voice and vote, any union member can attend the DA. Please email if you would like to attend. 

Finally, please do remember:

  • The text of any proposed resolutions shared here ahead of the DA meeting is a draft because resolutions can be amended from the floor. If the resolution is passed, the final text will be posted on the PSC website

  • The notes we share are not minutes. We will of course do our best to be accurate, but do not take these notes as an official record of the meeting. You can read the actual minutes from the DA here.


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